"....her sign language classes are fantastic. She's full of energy, knowledgable, and a very talented musician."
Rocking Out To Mother Goose!
Sing Some Happy With Me!
"This Little Light Of Mine..."
Signing For Praise & Positive Reinforcement.
Watch this toddler sign AWESOME for himself!
I love to use lots of positive word signs in class to incorporate the language of praise with Babies. Work these signs into your daily routines and communication habits. Let your baby know how beautiful and smart, strong and AWESOME they are every day!
Easy Homemade Instruments:
Best Homemade Drum Ever: Empty Big Oatmeal Box (love it!) Turn it upside down and drum on the bottom.
Best Homemade Shaker: Empty Small Dish Soap Bottle with 1/2 cup rice in it (makes a great sound!) You can also use a small empty water bottle.
Homemade Kid's Paint Recipe!
Scroll Down to see it!
Homemade Kid's Paint!
From The Kitchen
It's easy to make kid's paint with handy inexpensive materials from your kitchen!
Of course do not use this recipe or paint if your child is allergic to any ingredients - or if they are not old enough or ready to paint. Always supervise your child for their safety.
My Best Fast Homemade Paint Recipe:
For each color of paint mix:
1/4 cup flour
1/4 cup water
Few drop of food coloring.
Mix in a plastic cups
Keep food coloring away from carpets to avoid staining.
Do not store left over paints to avoid spoiling.
Add more flour to make thicker "finger paint."
In Studio: Art Class we have also made Milk Paint,
done Salt Paintings, Corn Starch painting and More....
Who knew? So much Art could be found in the kitchen.